Sunday, September 9, 2012

Score Sunday! Metropolis police dept. Lanard style

Oh yeah!  A year ago I would have NEVER bought anything like this in my life.  I hate knockoff toys with a passion...But after reading Jomi Toys blog all the way back and seeing how this Lanard cheap knockoff toys interacted with other 3 inch figures I decided to take the plunge.  Jboypacman over at Revenge of the Cosmic Ark blog also posted pics of the Corps! figures.  They kinda look like GI Joe.  But when I saw Jomi post this pic....

I just thought they looked REALLY cool.  Especially the car!  They really reminded me of the Gothom police force in Batman Beyond..
I mean if one squints their eyes that is...
 But I didn´t find them in Laredo.  I DID find some Lanard stuff though.
4 guys from Lazerforce!  Here they are trying to arrest Kilowog...Yeah good luck with that one...
I have no idea if other Laser Force stuff exists as I googled and came up with squat but I would sure like to try and get some. 
The trouble with Lanard in Saltillo Mexico is that they DON´T KNOW it is a knockoff and try to charge ridiculous prices in the stores...I found an awesome Corps getup at Walmart in Mexico only to have it be $50!  It should normally go for $20...
Oh well...