Saturday, September 22, 2012

Score Saturday! Lizard edition...

When I was a kid my first exposure to Spiderman was the 1967 show....It was ALMOST my first exposure to Superheroes but I discovered Spiderman comics first.  It certainly enhanced my love for them.

One of the REAL spiderman villains on the show was the Lizard.  He talked in a raspy lizardlike voice.
Here is the episode I watched back then.  I used to sit back in Dad´s bedroom while he worked and remember vividly watching the Spiderman cartoon and Marvel Superheroes. 
So I am glad I found this Lizard in ole Mexico!  I wish he looked more like the original version but it is still passable.
Then I found out my fish were eating this plastic log I had in there.  I thought it would be the perfect base for a tree in Florida.  I think it is awesome as heck!  It saves the tree and gives me something to photograph against!  Kind of like Jboy´s King Kong Skull Island playset.  Now I had read some Lizard issues like this one...
But in this issue the bad guy was moreso the Iguana!  Oh well.  I have never read another comic with the Lizard in it.  I just happen to miss him in my collecting moods...


  1. Love the Lizard! One of my favorite Spidey villains next to Mysterio.

  2. You can't beat an angry amphibian with purple pants and a lab coat. That cartoon is a classic as Spidey defies all the laws of webbing and physics to power is swamp runner. It's a classic for a reason.

    1. But we didn´t care about pesky old physics back in the day did we? I however DID care about the madeup villains for the show though.

    2. After they radically changed that show and it got all psychadelic, it really took spidey to some weird places. They did the same with Rocket Robin Hood too. Did you ever see that little piece of joy?

  3. I had a subscription to Spider-Man comics for a while as a kids and the first issue I got was a Lizard issue.

  4. Some of my earliest Spider-Man memories are from Electric Company.I also remember the old cartoons.I remember at that time the live action Batman series was on the air as well.Shortly after that the live action Spider-Man series came out and I loved the heck out of it.

    1. I remember some spots of Spidey in the Electric company too.

  5. Great post! I too, am a huge lizard fan. I used to have every appearance before I sold my collection back in high school to fund a booze-drenched weekend in New Orleans that I can't even remember! I liked how they portrayed him in the film, but The purist in me would have liked to have seen him in pants and a lab coat for more than two seconds!

    1. I would have too! But I did enjoy the heck out of the new Spiderman film!
