Saturday, September 8, 2012

Score Saturday! Of Men and Supermen...

I got another new Marvel Universe figure recently.  And this guy gets alot of slack his way.  Fanboys all over complain that he is the only one at the store etc.  That he is a pegwarmer.  Well....That is because little teeny fanboys do not read comics anymore.  THAT is why! 
GLADIATOR!  Marvel´s answer to Superman!  But cooler with a mohawk!  Here I am posing him to take a picture in the monster cafe while trying to get the stars in and not show my hand doing it.  Oh well....Fail.  But anyway this figure is great.  Looks just like him.  Stronger than Hulk or the Thing. 

Look at him laughing off that blow by Colossus!  That surely would have put the Hulk on his knees.  But not Gladiator....My favorite moment of him is Fantastic Four 249 written by John Byrne.
Check out what he does to the Thing!
He knocks him through 7 cars!!!  Never seen the Hulk do that, no sir.
Then he slams a BUS on top of him.  And HE IS A PEGWARMER?!?!
CLEARLY teenagers today have no idea who this guy is.  He is a powerhouse and if anyone belongs on the Avengers it is THIS guy!
I sure hope they make the rest of the Imperial Guard.  I think I´ll give my top 5.
1. Neutron- This Colossus lookalike just looks cool.
2. Titan-We need more gigantic guys in the Marvel Universe figures.
3. Manta- I love when she took out Nightcrawler during the Dark Phoenix saga. 
4. Starbolt- He looks hotter than the Human Torch!
5. Smasher- He looks easy enough to make.  I suppose he reminds me of Wonder man. 
I didn´t list Warstar because the Toybiz one is PERFECT for his character in relation to Marvel Universe figures.  Check it out.
Now I have neither one of these figures mind you but I USED to have Warstar!  That was from the selling off of 2003 when I thought I was too grown up for toys...Arghhh....
I know the Imperial Guard is somehow a ripoff of the Legion of Superheroes but not to my eye.  I was a Marvelite back then and had no knowledge of DC.  So LOSH is a ripoff of the imperial guard!  There!  It´s my blog and yeah I said it.  Also I know most out there wanted to see Fang added to the list but to me he wasn´t a guardsman for very long.  He got killed by the Brood early on.


  1. I never open my figures but I have that Marvel Universe Gladiator figure on my hardrive. For a toy that size his articulation is insane. I loved him in the recent War of Kings miniseries when he fought Vulcan (the other lost Summers brother) and became the reluctant leader of his people.

    1. I stopped reading comics in 1998 so I missed that one.

  2. Not so much a fan of this character...I don't have any dislike of him i just don't care for him. Now if we were talking Sentry this is a different story i took a real liking to him once i discovered him and is one i need action figures of both in small and larger scale.

    1. Jboy, ya gotta read FF 249 and 250. Gladiator is awesome!

  3. I love Gladiator, he's always been one of my favorite space-themed characters for Marvel (if this were DC, his race would be the prime candidates for being Green Lanterns with their will-based powers). I'm not a big fan of the new Marvel toys since I grew up with the original Toy Biz and then Marvel Legends, but I have been tempted to pick this one just cause I love the character so much...

    1. I am in the same boat. Had him as a Toybiz figure too. I sold my whole collection off though when I thought it was dead.

  4. I think I want a Gladiator figure now.

    1. Oh yeah ya do! Not this new fangled Superhero known as Sentry...
