Monday, December 17, 2012

League Assignment: Wishlist for christmas!

HAHA...I do wishlists every Wednesday!  So......this topic is always right up my alley.  Cal has been a good Santa this year so far.  Let me think what else I wish for?
This is my top 5 list of projects I wish for for the 2013 year for my artist's to make me in Mexico!
1. My Marvel sign- I did the DC one.  Cannot wait to start my Marvel sign!

2. My Adam Warlock painting- Hope to start this in 2013 possibly as well.  There is one at Savage Pizza in Atlanta that I fell in love with.  Would love to do my own!

3. Ajijic Hulk and others-  Yes Mexico is a place for knockoffs!  In Ajijic Mexico at this one store they have this and many other models already painted for $30 a piece.  They are a little more than a foot tall.  I need to visit there and pick me some up.

4. Comic spinner rack- I hope for my metal guy to make me one of these. 

5. My car couch- My metal guy will make this too.  So easy to do.  There are many junk shops around.  Probably get it done for $300...

As of this writing no other league members have written yet.


  1. Wonderful wish list Hobby i hope you get them all!

    1. I am sure of maybe two of them will get done. It all depends on money of course.

  2. Merry Christmas ! Santa will bring you what you want !!

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah this wishlist is a little different. These are all things I will have made for me in Mexico. Not storebought stuff..

  4. Who's that dude with the red hat and the horns on the first image? Help a youngin out!
