Saturday, October 20, 2012

Score Saturday- Tra la la la la la...

Yup....Found something pretty cool.  They are not originals but genuine Mexican knockoffs!  What am I talking about?  Smurfs!!!
Yeah...There is my goofy self with my Spidey shirt on.
I used to watch the cartoon back in the day when it first aired.  Loved it.  Had maybe two of the Smurfs...

I have season one on DVD and that is enough for me.  How many times does one need to see the Smurfs in Gargamel's stew pot?

Eh, they look pretty authentic to me.  All I would need to get is one of the little Smurf mushroom houses and my vibe of Smurfs will be complete. 


  1. That is awesome. I've heard that a lot of folks actually make a whole collection out of nothing but Mexican bootleg toys, which can be pretty cool on their own.

    And I get what you mean about the first season being enough. The show is never nearly as fun as I remember it being as a kid, and collecting the toys is where the real fun happens. What a sweet 8-pack!

    1. Every episode was like that. That is why I am satisfied with one season. It has the creation of Smurfette etc.

  2. Wow...not bad for knockoffs at all!!!

  3. I liked the figures that started popping up around the same time the movie released.I'll eventually have to add some to the collection.Nice find!
