Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Toy Tuesday; he had this crazy idea about breeding pine trees.

Oh yeah...We do not get alot here in Mexico....But what we DO get are KNOCKOFFS!  I hated them when I first moved here but now I see the value in them.  I picked up some of the old Marx Army men 5 inch and some trees.
Yeah I am a child from the seventies.  I loved the Marx army men.  What I even liked more was TimVee which Reis over at Lair of the Dork Horde has already covered.

These little trees I thought worked perfectly with my 3 inch figures. 

Imagine they are on Felucia or something like that.  This was only a fraction of the bag.  There were so many trees in there!  $5 is all it cost!  A steal!

But in my world SHIELD is in the jungles of Wakanda! 


  1. Cool looking trees! Green army men were a staple of my childhood. Love those things.

    1. That is one aspect I like in Mexico. Knockoff stuff! These trees were sold by the pack! I just WISH I could find some knockoff Marx Marvel guys. Would kill for those.

  2. Aren't they? I saw they would be perfect with 3 inch figures!

  3. I've seen these little green army men alot at Dollar stores and such and wonder why they don't release some with current looking army/web gear,unless they already do and I don't know about it.

    1. But these are not the little green army men. These badboys are 5 inches!
