Friday, October 12, 2012

Freaky Friday- To do or not to do...

Well it is Freaky Friday again.  Gotta talk about the Monster Cafe!  I mean hell...It is the title of the blog right?  I have been contemplating doing something for the cafe for a few years now but haven't had the money for it.  Well things have worked out and barring other expenses it could be time to start a new project.  If there is anyone from Atlanta they KNOW of the big chicken.  Go ahead and google it.  I'll wait. 

Ok ya back yet?  Well in Atlanta it is a known thing.  Everyone knows where it is.  So I would like to take that concept and create something for the Monster Cafe so everyone knows where it is.  With that said I am thinking on a few concepts and I would like to throw it out there for thoughts on it.  One design is this....
This is in Niagara Falls at a Wax Museum.  This would be in the corner of the roof at Monster Cafe.  But I am not completely sold on it.  I have never seen Frankenstein get SO big in the movies like that.  I like to keep things realistic.  So my second design is this...
I HAVE seen King Kong get this big.  See how I am anal and like to keep things realistic?  I even had someone photoshop it a little for me.
I know I know...It looks a little deformed...But this is just a crude photoshop of what it could be.   Or I am open to other ideas.  I.E. Godzilla, the Colossal man with one eye etc.
What do ya guys think I should do?


  1. A giant spider. Eight legs coming over the roof.


    1. Could be! I already have a giant spiderweb up there..

  2. How about that giant Alien squid from the end of the Watchmen comics...drape the tenticles over the side of the building!

    1. Sadly only read Watchmen once. I don't remember the squid...

  3. Honestly, I think Godzilla is more "monster" than King Kong. Although, to be honest... I think Frankie would get more attention than either of them.

  4. You can't go wrong with Kong! (I may be a bit biased though.)

  5. I like Dan and Paulines idea of a giant Spider.That would really creep me out if i were to catch a glance of it from a distance.You can call it ELVIRA!
