Saturday, October 13, 2012

Score Saturday- Mole Man's Lava people!

Ok not really....But for SOME reason here in Mexico, Max Steel is like...really popular.  I for one do not understand it.  But hey...I am just an Americano Gringo!  So...At Mcdonald's Happy Meals they have Max Steel stuff.  But THIS time since I am into all figures 3 inches the item really appealed to me.
I have no idea who this guy is in the Max Steel universe and you know what?  I don't care!  What I do care about is the guy is 3 inches and looks pretty cool.  He LOOKS very similar to one of the Lava Men in Marvel Comics.  The only lava people appearance I remember is this issue of the Avengers...
That was during this oldtimer's day of reading the Avengers.  Long before it was trendy just because a movie had come out...

Oh no!  One of the Guardsmen is down with lava hardening over him!

So yup.  That is what they look like above.  My guys looks COOLER than they and let's face it.  As cool as the Marvel Universe line is we will NEVER get lavamen apart of the series so one has to make do.

Oh no,  US Agent better watch out or he will get his back scortched.  Yeah, I plan on getting three more to army build.  Now if I can just score that Superhero Showdown Moleman my life will be complete...


  1. Max Steel is still around? Too wild.

    1. I know right! Not only that but he is the Mcdonald toy this month!

  2. I agree, I have no idea what that is but it looks cool!

    1. Agreed. It is some kinda monster. Looks lavarific to me...
