Thursday, April 4, 2013

Controversial Thursday- Education for the asshats!

Let's face it.  We all hate asshats.  But you see some people do not KNOW that they are asshats.  So as part of Controversial Thursdays....It has become my job to educate the masses on asshattery.  Bad language will be included here as that is the only way to REACH asshats.  Ya gotta talk to them on their level.   So here we go....
Look at this nice clean cut lady enjoying a wonderful conversation on her phone...and leaning...Is it HER car?  Of course not!  See?  Asshats of the world think it is perfectly acceptable to LEAN on someone else's car for comfort.  IT IS NOT OK!  OK?  Your belt buckle or whatever could scrape the paint etc.  You ARE an asshat if you do this kind of behaivior.  Just fucking stand up straight and do not bother OTHER people's property!  ASSHAT!

This is a severe case of asshattery....The man with the little dick just HAVING to play his awful music from his car as he is driving along hoping anyone will see him.  When people DO see him he thinks..."Cool, people notice my awesome car and hip music".  No my good friend.  What they REALLY are thinking is what an asshole with a self esteem issue and is begging for attention because his mama didn't love him.  And....
What they really want to happen to you Mr. Asshat music man is for you to crash into a tree right away and frickin will not be passing on your asshat genes to future progeny.

Now we all know a FEW things we can do to avoid being asshats.  Let us all try to follow these close examples of what NOT to do and you will truly be awesome people.


  1. I've been known to blast music from my car from time to time, but I drive a ten year old Civic with factory speakers...

    1. I am basically signaling out the ones with bad taste in music and it is too loud for words...

  2. I agree 100% regarding the asshats who lean on other peoples' cars!

  3. I hate blasting music from other people's cars. I simply hate it.
    Please, tell that girl that leaning on other people's cars can make her clothes gert dirty. Most of the cars have dust all over them.

    1. It happens all the time in Mexico. It is like part of the culture...Other people's personal property OR space is up for grabs. How many times am I in line at the Soriana grocery store to have Someone bumping into me from behind.
