Sunday, January 13, 2013

Score Sunday- Finding Nero...

Got this little guy for a small price at Big Lots in Texas last year.  IT ALMOST completes my 3 inch new Star Trek line.  All I am missing is Uhura.  This is Nero though.  The villain of the movie played by "Don't call me Bruce Banner" Eric Bana.  I liked the Star Trek movie.  It was great. 

I have no idea what to do with this little guy.  I will think of something though.  He looks like a priest.  A space priest maybe...


  1. Nice. Big Lots is the place to go sometimes it seems. : )

    1. Yes it does. They have a boatload of the World Peacekeepers stuff. In some ways Jboy, it is superior to the GI Joe stuff. I hope to visit their in Febuary.

  2. Uhura is impossible to find. They short packed her and she sold out fast. I am only missing Uhura, Nero, and Old Spock (Prime?). I passed on Nero and Spock because they seemed very movie specific.

    1. Well hey Buzz, In Febuary when I visit Texas I will try to find you a Nero. They had a whole passel of them last time.

  3. Nice score! And I'm still loving your aquarium accouterments as Star Trek background. How far are you from the Californian border? Have you ever gone up and visited the Vasquez Rocks they used in the old series? I know it's somewhere in southern California.

    1. No I have not. That would be a great place for some nerd photos of myself.

  4. Nice score ! Big Lots seems to be paying off for you !
