Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Toy Tuesday- X broads...

Yeah....So I picked up these three in Mexico!  It REALLY helps my Xmen team.  Jubilee, Psylocke, and Storm.  I think all I need is Gambit to complete the team.  ToyFair comes this Febuary!  I am just hoping that the Marvel Universe line continues!
And more importantly I hope Mexico continues to get them.  I love the Marvel universe line and wish it had come out when I was in the throws of GI Joe and Star Wars.  I am definitely playing catchup!


  1. Cool scaffolding, picture looks great !

    1. I felt like doing something different rather than that stupid bank background...

  2. I haven't seen Jubilee yet. How long does it take for packages from the US to get to you usually? I'm getting worried that the one I sent you still hasn't made it there.
