Saturday, May 17, 2014


Action Figure Adventures did it again.  Buzzchuck was so kind as to send my poor butt in Mexico something.
 He included a note.  I had no idea what I was going to find here.
 A Gi Joe lego guy, a squishy TMNT, a puff Ghostbusters character, and some trooper I have no idea who it is.  Thanks so much.  Not my bag of tea but I will pass it on to the lover's of the franchise.
 Ghostbusters.  I avoided these like the plague back in the day.  After watching the Retroblasters review of the figs...They are a little too cartoony for my tastes.  But again, I will pass them onto those that like the cartoon.
Now we are speaking my language.  Although the 2nd part of Gremlins was vastly inferior to the first one IMO, I still love movie cards.  I am going to get a baseball card plastic holder book one day.  These will be the first entries!

The best is yet to come!  He sent me other stuff that is awesome!  This is the preview!


  1. You got the super-rare Murray Futterman card..! So jealous!

    [joking aside, i do love Dick Miller's portrayal as Mr. Futterman more than most things in existence.]

    And that unidentified, gun-wielding "trooper" is from the short-lived toy-line known as Trash Bag Bunch. It was originally released by Galoob in 1991; and that particular figure is Prof. Garboff, one of the heroic Disposers.

    Very cool stuff, man.

    1. Wait for part 2 tomorrow! Darn my fuzzy camera and all.

  2. Replies
    1. He is one of a kind. So awesome for this gringo!

  3. I'm so glad the box made it there. I was getting nervous it got lost by the postal service.

    1. Things take time getting down here is all. Someone has to get it from Texas etc. Thanks again! You have inspired me!!!

  4. Very cool Hobby!Kevin is a class act!

  5. Cool stuff! I can probable hook you up with the gremlins 2 cards you need to have a complete set. Strangely of all the things I have sold or traded over the years it is the ghostbusters I most sorely miss.A lot of people tell me they dont much care for the cartoon looks of them but I have fond memory's of walking through the toy isle in the 80's and just loving the way the ghostbusters section looked,They where so colorful and came with transparent ghosts.

    1. Thanks bro...However these are enough. I hated the movie too much to want to collect the cards. Find Monster Cafe Saltillo on FB. When I do a massive mailout when I go to Texas I will send ya the Ghostbusters figures.
