Saturday, May 31, 2014


See what I did there?  I apologize in advance for the HORRIBLE photos as my camera and phone suck.  I have a new phone, just gotta program it to take photos.  Ughh....

So with that said I found this little guy at the swap meet.
A Star Wars Dewback!  I think he is a micro machine or something.  He is really small.  Perfect for setting up on top of the ole TV.  He just reeks awesomeness.  I like little finds like this.  I just read the underside of it and it says 1996 Action Fleet.  This is something I was TOTALLY not interested in back in the day.  BUT....since I am starving for anything down here it I do like it even though the little tyke is based off of the REDO of the Dewback.  He looks good on the TV next to my Wampa from the same series.

I talked to the Swap Meet guy.  He has agreed to hang onto Marvel Universe figures for me to sell to me first.  Pretty cool huh?  Anyway this was from today and he will have the honor of hanging out in front of the TV.


  1. Cool Hobby! The flood gate of you finding stuff down your way has finally open.

  2. There was an episode of Toy Hunter where Jordan went to flea markets in Mexico and found crazy stuff. Keep your eyes open!

    1. I will! It is just finding time to go to the swap meet. It is hard to do running a restaurant.

  3. Not all hunts are successful Hobs.But when they are it's well worth it.Maybe you should go after more micro SWs stuff.A bunch of them would look cool togethet and think of the custom playsets you could create for them.
