Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Go ahead and press play....

Hand me your torch....Well what can I say about this one?  You have seen everyone else's pictures.  But I finally after all these years have this again.  The kids stole it from me back in the day.

I am in shock of having the Well of Souls again.  I love it.  Raiders of the lost ark...My father went to see it without me and came home to tell me all about it.  At first I wasn't the least bit interested...Until he got to the Tarantulas...I probably got my tarantula Elvira because of that movie.  I wanted to go see it.  I was hooked.  Wow what a film!  I had it all.  This and the Streets of Cairo playset etc.  I plan on making one of my art pieces one day about the film.
This is quite a thrill.  As much as the Cantina in thrillness.  However the new Indiana Jones ark by Hasbro rules this one.  But you cannot beat the nostalgia factor with this puppy!  There is Marion, Toht, and Indy himself!  I cannot believe I have this in my possession again!

Now I gotta get the Cairo Swordsman, Belloq and the gang!


  1. I never even knew they made this back in the day. GREAT score!

    1. Oh yeah they did! It is a barebones kinda playset...They should have included a cardboard background but it is still pretty sweet!

  2. Love it! Ironically, I decided to start a vintage Kenner Indiana Jones collection. I have the 12 inch Indiana, but never had the other toys from their line. This post has definitely inspired me to stick to my plan.

    1. I want the 12 incher as well! I want to find a naked one so I can sew my own outfit for him.

  3. Play sets rock! Vintage play sets rock harder!
