Anime. I don´t get it. As a hardcore Marvelite and comic reader back in the day I was very surprised to see this anime thing get so much attention. All I had known of comics was Marvel and DC. The closest I ever got to anime was watching Starblazers and their spaceship was so kind of weird ship that looked like a ship from the 1800s with a cannon up front.
It just seems all of the japanese characters look the same. I mean look at this guy...

I mean look at this guy. He has SO much going on that one cannot figure out the design on him. He looks like a couple of War Machines exploded on em! And GET this...Both the white robot and the black robot are named GUNDAM! Does that mean DAMN he has a gun? How do you tell them apart if all the big robots with guns are named Gundam? You don´t see Whiplash being called IronMan do you? How does one tell who the villains and who the heroes are if they all have the same name? I do not get why collectors go nuts with these. AND, they are like hundreds of dollars! I would never pay for anything like this.
Now what about this...ALL of the characters look like this. All with huge eyes etc. They look like baby toys when it comes to their human characters. They look ridiculous. I do not see the fascination with it. DragonBall Z? Does a Dragon actually HAVE balls? Such a ridiculous title. And all of their powers they have energy blasts coming from their hands. That is BORING! ALL of the characters have that? If you think the men are terrible looking, check out the women....
She if from a line or a show I can never tell called Full Metel panic. She looks idiotic! The big eyes again. And why do all the anime women have to show their panties? ALL of the figures have panties visably showing! And most of them wear school girl outfits with some kind of weird hair. Blue or purple etc. Girl....Psylocke you are not!
If you think I didn´t get the others...then I REALLY do not get this! Looks like a walking turd. Why do kids like this....crap! And AGAIN with the big eyes! Geez...Inarticulated hunk of wasted plastic. Same thing with that Domo guy. A turd with teeth or something. Yet kids go bonkers for them! Are kids just stupid today or what?
So that is it. I know some bloggers DO collect this stuff for reasons only God knows why but hey...More power to ya! You can have it all. Leave all the cool stuff for me though.
Well Im not going to even start to question if this is satirical or not. I will just say that the turd guy up there is outright American , created by Manny Galan who was an artist for Marvel comics (guess he's an expert at drawing crap).As for Gundam ,They all look the same just like cars all look the same or really anything coming out of a production factory. The name Gundam signified a gun powerful enough to hold back enemies, like a hydroelectric dam holding back floods. and lets take a look at any random xmen cover ...look they are shooting power out of their hands...Jim lee's xmen really isnt much different then anime (and it was boring for sure). Yes the dragon did have balls , 7 of them that when brought together would grant the person in possession of them one wish. I wouldn't use Dragon ball as an example of a great anime , Its more like a starter show and Im not a real fan of the show. Anime is just like anything else , it has its good and its bad.Saying all anime is bad based off of Gundam and Dragon ball is like me saying that all comic books are horrible like marvel and Rob liefeld. But to each their own.
ReplyDeleteGo for it Brothermidnight! Tell me off if you disagree. It is all good here! I just happen to very strongly dislike it.
DeleteNha not telling you off just discussing :) I have a deep fondness for anime (I have about 1500 anime dvds) But I know not everybody likes it the same as some people dont like gore or romance.There is just some much of it covering just about anything you could possibly want to see ( including marvel comics)that its hard for me to not try to point you towards some of the excellent stand outs that brake away from the standards that have made you dislike it.I also find Gundam to be overrated and painfully dull.
DeleteAnime is know where as great as it was in the early days of it being sold in the U.S. it was very niche and sometimes pricy but i guess that was part of it's appeal now a days i think the product is over and mass produce and really lacks the mystique of the older stuff i used to watch. There is still a few good things here and there but it's rare anymore i think as everything is so "Cookie Cutter" now.
ReplyDeleteI really don't have a problem with Anime although I do feel that there is way too much of it being produced these days.Shows like Pokemon,Yu Gi Oh and Bakugan drive me insane but I guess that's what kids go for these days.Some of the Anime geared towards adults is pretty cool though,take the Street Fighter series for instance.
ReplyDeleteI do not consider Street Fighter to be anime. It was after all a video game in the states.
DeleteThursdays I just speak my mind. It might not appeal to everyone.
Stupid kids. I sort of agree with u. I don't understand the whole Gundam thing either. I really like the styling of it though. I have only watched Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Vampire Hunter D along time ago. Now it seems like everything is all about Bakawhatever and Pokeman. It is really annoying.
Thanks guys! It is just not my cup of tea and am baffled how it got so popular! They even have Japanese anime conventions in Mexico!
DeleteYou can drive yourself crazy trying to analyze anime and Japanese culture. There was just so much of it that I am glad I never added anime to my list of obsessions. I enjoyed Akira but I find most Manga and Amime to be inaccessible to me.
ReplyDeleteI agree as well. I think it´s just a culture thing. Like I said some bloggers love it. I just find it annoying.