Friday, August 10, 2012

Freaky Friday Monster Cafe style...

No I will not be talking about the movie Freaky Friday...I will be talking about Monster Cafe Saltillo!  I had hoped to talk about positive things and some I will but man....I do not GET the people of this city!  But then again I am sure I am generalizing.  This happens in EVERY city in the world but man...This girl...

Comes into the interview BRINGING a boyfriend....Ok rule number one.  Do not bring relatives or boyfriends or babies on a job interview!  Totally unprofessional!  Secondly she dressed like a hobo.  So....rule number 2.  Dress to impress.  Even for a restaurant job!  Then she begs us for a job.  Says she hasn´t worked for months and is desperate.  So we decide to give her a go and hire her.  She agrees on the salary etc.  Then what happens....guess what!  Like 100 people before her she doesn´t show up for work.  I hate to say it but the economy in Saltillo is TERRIFIC!  No one ever wants a job.  If they DO finally accept a job they may show up for a week at most and then quit.  In four years I have only had 3 people even give me two weeks notice which is customary for having a job! Lord have mercy.  I never quit a job in my life before.  People do it here like a bodily function.  Not even a courtesy phone call like ¨Hey I am sorry I cannot take the job or anything....or Sorry I had to quit.¨  Just give me something!  Sorry if I seem to be lashing out here but after 4 years I am just DOG tired of it.  When one goes to a restaurant it looks like an easy experience all goes usually smooth.  One has no idea of the backstaging that goes on!

Now with that rant out of the way let´s look at the positives....we redid our tables 4 months ago but I finally want to show them off..And other shots.

Hopefully no more drama here and I can talk about TOYS!

And on a very sweet note Monster Cafe is located across the street from the second biggest church in Saltillo....A couple got married there and decided to get pics done at MC...


  1. Great to hear things are going great your way which is always wonderful hear my friend and those tables are just fantastic!

  2. I am going through all my action figures to reorganize them and take pictures of all my stuff. If I have anything that would fit your design motif I would like to send something to you to display in your cabinet of figures. I loved to know that something my my collection would be worthy to be a part of yours. I am that impressed with what you created.

    1. Wow...I am humbled. I do have a guy that has an address in Texas and he has graciously allowed me to ship things there and he picks it up for me to deliver in Mexico but the shipping costs from Canada have to be outrageous. I would love something from the Cave of Cool! Listen little kids come in all the time to view the collection. It is not just for my eyes. I have 5,500 on Facebook. I don´t know what to say but am blown away by your kindness.
