Monday, February 17, 2014

Top 10 lines Reaction should continue

1. Kenner Aliens- I KNOW they have the Aliens line already but imagine continuing the one that Kenner started!  I loved Bishop's redesign.  We only got 4 or 5 of the marines.  Just imagine others in a 5 inch scale!
2. Batman the animated series- We got a ton of figures from this line.  But we could have had more.  Red Claw, Tygris, Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya, Rupert Thorne, Roland Daggett, Lockup etc.  They could also do MORE of Batman villains in the 5 inch style.  Imagine a Dr. Phosphorus? Anarky? Black Mask? Calender Man, Hush etc...
3. Clash of the Titans- I know a customizer did some over at the Mego Museum but the line really needs to be continued for us old farts.  Zeus, Medusa, the Scorpions etc.  They are all sorely missing from this line.
4. Dragonriders of the Styx-  Heck they can make up all the characters they want to for this line since it wasn't based on ANYTHING!  It is screaming to be done again.  Kids love fantasy figs.  Especially cheap ones.
5. Dungeons and Dragons-  LJN went out of business.  It doesn't mean these have to go away.  I really didn't like the figures all that much, but these big rubber monsters were awesome.  It would surely be cheaper than making parts that move.  We only got some of the classic monsters anyways.  How about the Purple Worm?  The Beholder?  The gelatonous cube?  The Green Slime?  A vampire for crying out loud.  We NEED these to return and spark kids imagination again.
6. Fisher price adventure people- Again a no brainer.  I think the modern day Fisher Price stuff looks like crap.  They were really coming into their own with the space theme etc. back then.  Hell all of us need normal figures to go with our heroes etc.  They are also all basically the same mold.  It could be done.
7. Star Wars- Many characters did not get made.  Tarkin, Aunt and Uncle of Luke, Garinden...I could go on and on.
8. DFC playset- They are a thing of beauty.  They are EASY to reproduce so I do not understand why not continue the trend?  Army men and dinosaurs have been in constant production since the fifties.  Why not these guys?  Same goes for the Marx military guys and marx cavemen.  If dinosaurs can be made, why not cavemen to fight them off with?  Tim mee did some recently but they ain't at stores.
9. Mego heroes-  Four points of articulation.  These colorful heroes are BEGGING to be made again!  Infinite heroes kinda went there but fizzled out after a year.  These things need to be on toy shelves constantly.

10. Masters of the Universe- Talk about another no brainer!  None of this Matty collector shit either.  ALL Heman figures use the same fricking mold.  Why not have a presence at toy stores?  Kids would eat up the vintage line like they used to.  

I own NONE of the toys above mind you.  These are images I found on Google.


  1. The Mego "Pocket Heroes" were all in a "crouched" position for seating them in the play-sets.... and there is one of my "Charon" figures here in front of me...
    cool Post...

  2. I got that Batmobile set as a kid.They had plastic capes correct?An older kid on the block grabbed the Robin figure from me and ran his cape through his bike spokes.Broke the cape right off.

    1. Where is he today? You should go take your revenge.

  3. Great thread!
    We love the ALIENS series from Kenner and own most of them. Dungeons and Dragons, Adventure People and Clash of the Titans are other all time favs!

  4. Oh! I used to own these Mego as a kid... lucky we found that Batmobile at the flea market like two summer ago!

    1. Luckkkkyyyy! Since Figsinc has been reproducing the 8 inch megos I hope someone would redo the pocket heroes as well.
