Sunday, November 25, 2012


If you have seen the Dungeons and Dragons sign and the signs for Monster Cafe you will know what this post is about...The local artist is doing great on the DC sign.  He is more than halfway done. After that I am doing my Marvel Comics one....BUT....After that I need another project... So I am asking you the very few but loyal I hope, readers of this blog to pick the next assignment for him.  So here are the choices....
1. Camp Crystal Lake sign- This one would be SO cheap to do...It is just wood and paint..One day when I retire I hope to have a little farm back in the states and next to the pond I will have this placed.

2. F13 part 2 sign- This would be a 3D effect like the D and D sign...More expensive...It would go in my movie area.

3. Fright Night sign- 3D sign too...Awesome though.  Movie area as well...

4. Lionel Playworld sign- Just paint and wood again.  Cheapo to do.  Probably in my toy room area. 

5. Empire Strikes back sign- Another 3D version...I am Star Wars crazy right now so...It would go in the movie area as well.

So I leave it up to you...Also what would YOU do?  I am into creating my own art rather than just buying a pic of a flower pot. 

What would you pick if you wanted to do some art in 3D form?  Anything from pop culture come to mind?


  1. I would go with the Lionel Play world one myself but then again Im not sure how many people really would know what it is any more seeing that they all shut down in the lat 80's early 90's. Still a cool idea tho.

  2. As for one I would chose of my own I think I would go with Walley world from National Lampoon's Vacation or s mart army of darkness,

  3. My pick would be #2 it's a perfect for the cafe.

    1. Only for me in the movie area. F13 is a little harsh for Monster Cafe. I try to keep that to the older black and white classics.

  4. I think #1 would be my pick.It would also serve as a reminder and motivation to acquire that little farm with a pond once you retire ;)
    My obvious personal choice would be a G.I. Joe sign.

    1. I hope one day that comes true for sure. Getting tired of city life.

  5. #1 for sure !! That would look great displyed !!!

  6. Number 1 is an iconic image for even the most ignorant horror fan - DO IT!

    1. Agreed on that one. It would be so cheap to do too.
