Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Racism in Saltillo

Living in Mexico I have come across more than once the issue of racism.  On Friday night for no reason whatsoever a man took issue with the music we played.  He didn't like it.  I told him he was welcome to bring his own CD next time to play it.  He was with a group getting pretty drunk.  We treated them very well.  All of a sudden he starts singing Pinche Pilone which means ....Let me throw it through Google Translate...

  • Scullion, male counterpart to Scullery maid, servant who performed menial kitchen jobs (washing, cleaning, etc.) in large households during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

That is what Pinche means.  Pilone means bald.  I know that one.  So he was calling me a bald renaissnance maid....Hmm....

Then the others in the group started to mock me.  Right on my own property!  JUST for being an American.  The man goes to the bathroom and graphitti's the racist words in the Monster Cafe bathroom.  So I have his words in his handwriting.  Not too smart. 

 Oh and he gave his name to my waiter to take the order with.  Placido.

Then the guy openly in front of the entire group challenges me to a fight.  All I was doing was sitting there.  I wasn't doing anything wrong.  When I do not take the bait he goes downstairs and STEALS fresca cans right out of my refrigerator.  His friends who are with him see him do it and cover up for him.  He then steals a bottle of liquor costing over $100.  He THEN smashes one of my fiberglass Dracula heads. 

 I manage to make it downstairs and tell my wife what he did before he escapes.  She wrests the bottle from his hands as he is trying to escape out the door.  Now these people are in their 40's acting like this!  These are not kids!  He had to fight with my wife who is 53!  What a piece of shit!  The entire group was a piece of shit.  I was waiting all day for one of them to come to their senses and apologize to me on Facebook but it never happened.

I tell you it feels terrible to be the victim of racism.  He had one of his friend's drive him home with his skank girlfriend who was cussing up a storm.  Mouth like a sailor.  So UN lady like.  

So I will be suing all of them for blatant racism, accessory to stealing, and damaging the Monster Cafe.

I have over 6,000 fans on Facebook not to mention the thousands that read this blog.  I will shame them for their conduct.

The gal that made the event has been in here several times.  We told her what happened and she took photos of the event because it was her birthday.  She promised to bring them the next day.  Guess what?  She never showed up so SHE is trying to cover for them too.  Will be suing her as well.  I will keep you all posted IF an American can get a little justice in Mexico.


  1. That stinks Hobby sorry to hear this has happen to you and your lovely cafΓ© am a little concern how that justice will not prevail on this one because of how the law system is down your way as you described it to us before but I hope it all works in your favor my friend so good luck.

    1. Well it turns out the person that organized the event is a judge in the city...Oh boy. We are talking scandel proportions now. If she shoots it down then I go to the TV and radio to tell the people about it.

  2. That sucks dude. It seems that people no matter hiw nice and considerate you are to them still act like asses.
    It would be frustrating living and working there and there's no justice. Keep your head up and maybe justice will be served.

  3. Hope they get what's coming to them, but you really should come back to the States. Doesn't seem like you will be able to your you cafe in peace down there.

  4. You should look into getting some security to work for you.

    1. We have thought about it. Perhaps I need Jesse Ventura's old painless with me!
