Thursday, January 15, 2015


This past year I have acquired alot of my childhood greats.  This is one I NEVER thought I would have again.
This is probably more thrilling to me than getting the 1977 Godzilla giant figure back.  I vividly remember playing with this thing on my Grandfather's carpet when we had to visit my father's Dad.  That memory is stuck in my head!  I love this toy.  Perfect size to fight 3.75 Marvel Universe figures too!
Dewback I am afraid you have met your match.
He is even good to combat your Gi Joes or Marvel Universe with!


  1. The Bandit pin is awesome !! I see it changes to Shazam after three pictures ..... good pickup on the scorp too !!

    1. HAHA...Yeah I still don't have a camera! I take all my shots at once when things come in.

  2. Wow. I've never seen that thing before. Super Cool. Was there a spider for that line? My best buddy growing up had a robotic looking spider that we never really knew where it came from.

    1. Yes there was. And a dragonfly. But I only had this Scorpion. The others were not too great. This scorpion was so great.

  3. I've never seen these before.Nice pick up ;)

  4. The dragonfly had a tiny rope that came out of its mouth and I remember also a simple mechanism that produced a click sound just to simulate, recall the adhesive legs could not hold its weight when glue in them on glass surface, hope you could share some of the goodies the scorpion does.
