Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday Wishlist! DVD TV Show S part 1 edition!

It is Wednesday Wishlist time where I put out a list of things I wish for!  This week is the S edition of Tv shows on DVD.  Blu Ray is fast eating up the DVD aisles but I refuse to change over just yet.

1. Scooby Doo movies- Oh yeah.  Loved these!  Harlem Globetrotters and Batman!  Don't forget Jerry Reed!

2. Seinfeld Season 5 disk 3- This is the one my own mother stole from me.  I gotta get it back!

3. Shazam!- I watched a few episodes as a kid.  The cape is what always got me.

4. Silk Stalkings season 1- Since we now have all of La Femme Nikita, this is another one in the early days of WWF RAW that was on after it went off.  I watched a few episodes.  Hot chicks!

5. Space 1999- I am really trying to find one episode of it.   It is where 3 bounty hunters are hunting Martin Landau and a gal.  The hunters each have a special power.

6. Space Ghost- I liked the first series alot.  He kind of looked like Batman and had Robin sidekicks.  

7. Spectacular Spiderman- Never seen an episode BUT I have heard great things about it online.

8. Speed Buggy- This was a Scooby doo ripoff but I didn't know that as a kid.  I liked this show alot.  The car puttering when it was out of breath I will never be able to get that sound out of my mind.

9. Starblazers season 1- This show was special to me.  I had not seen anything like it before.  I became acquainted with it when my father moved us to Seattle.

10. Starblazers season 2- This was not on in Georgia to my knowledge.  I was exposed to it in Seattle like I said.  I thought the spaceship was so cool.

11. Star Blazers season 3- I watched every episode of this during our 5 months in Seattle.  It is SO expensive now on DVD.  Hopefully the price will lower one day.

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