Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PULGAS- AWA REMCO! part 1 of epic find

So wifey and I decided to take Sunday off and head out to Arteaga.  Where the pulgas is.  It is a great little town.  I usually go with the expectation of never finding anything.  Boy on this day I was WRONG.
I peered into this tub of toys and one figure stood out to me....RIC FLAIR!  Then I started pulling out more.
 The longriders!  I hate to say it but I never watched the AWA.  I didn't get to see this gimmick.
 Larry Zybysko!  WHOA!  He was recently inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
 Ric Flair was the first figure I saw.  I love it.  Never had these as a kid as I was a WWF LJN fan first.
 Then I found Whiplash from Masters of the Universe!  Same tub mind you!
 I debated on wheather or not to get him as some jackass kid tore his tail off.  But then my wife kindly nudged me that Ray would restore him probably.  So I ended up taking him home.  Now with Kevin's Mantenna I have two MOTU figures.

And because he didn't have his tail my new Four Horsemen put the boots to him.  Was thinking of restoring all four AWA Remco figures too with their robes and jackets .etc.


  1. Great find.I don't think there was one in the 80's who didn't have at least 1 of these Remco wrestlers lying around their room or toy bins.Parents would get them mixed up with WWF or even MOTU figures when buying them for the kiddies.

    1. I love the pulgas. One never knows what they will find.

  2. Excellent finds! And Bill Irwin of the Long Riders went on to be the Goon in the WWF.

  3. Hey Matt,new site http://toy-break.blogspot.com/ stop in when you can ;)

  4. Wow! Very cool! Larry looks alot like him!
