Friday, August 18, 2017

PULGAS SCORE 6- 2 figs!

Wifey is not letting me collect because we have bills to pay...but she let me pick up two figures this past week.
He had a Primal Rage white monkey that I kinda wanted..but he wanted too much money for it.  BUT...with that said, glad I got these two.  I HATE the playmates TMNT figures from the eighties.  They are cartoony and not my taste. Hell I even hate the story.  Radiation on turtles is just a stupid concept. This newer series takes itself a little more seriously.  Shredder here looks cool.  And I LOVE the articulation.

JLU Green Arrow-  I debated to get this or not because I would rather have the Super Powers version but really...what are the frickin odds of getting an SP version in my lifetime.  So I bit the bullet and got this one.  Gotta have Ray make a quiver and bow and arrow someday.

Would love to find more JLU down here.  I am already mixing my SP Superman with them.


  1. Thats a great Shredder.Have you seen the 3 3/4 set with Green Arrow and Aqua Man?Theyre rocking their newer duds but Im digging the set.Green Arrow was a favorite of mine even though i wasnt a big fan of DC.

    1. Have I seen the new set? Nope. We do not get new toys down here.

  2. Replies
    1. Already imagining him and his footclan or whatever they call it..going up against Kenner´s Batman.
