Saturday, October 15, 2016

PULGAS RUN! Shin Tzu and Mad Bomber!

So Wifey and I went to the flea market last Sunday.  We are doing it once a month now which is great.  We went at 5pm and I didn´t expect to find anything.
 Dang it...He is out of focus!  This is the Ra´s substitute from Batman Begins.  Since I want the animated one as MY Ra´s...I think this guy will be Shin Tzu from some batman video game.  Leader of Chinese ninja clan or something.
Lex Luthor from Superman Returns.  But he doesn´t look like how I imagine lexy to look...So I have renamed him the Mad Bomber.  I am willing to have a better name for him if someone comes up with one though.

Like I is slim pickens at 5pm...but at least I got them.  They were on my list afterall.

The next coming posts will be about the naked MOTU I found with Ray´s fixings to em!