Thursday, October 22, 2015


Yup.  Just won this one on Ebay for $5 plus shipping.  I will be reparing and modifying most of them.  The Godzilla, Gargoyles guy, and the Dewback are fine to me.  I like them as is.  The other ones will be repaired.  Some to major makeovers.

Spidey, Hulk, and the huge Bobby Lashley figures came with no heads.  What I have planned for them are Marvel characters to do.

The Acklay just has a hole in his chest.  Ray will fix that right up.

The Cantina Band member has no legs.  I already have an idea for him.

The Manspider has his tusks gone and two arms missing.  Gotta redo that.

Stegron and the Lizard guy will be upgraded.

Keep on the lookout for future posts!  I will preface it by saying Broken toy so and so...