Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Controversial Thursday- Bad boys whatcha gonna do?

I don't get it.  WHY?  We got visited last year with 25 cops and they closed us down for not paying a license on time.  We paid this year's...Yet what happens?  Instead of CHECKING their records to see if we paid they have to send cops in again to check our paperwork!  Any idea of how Messed up is Mexico?  Anyone?  That they don't know who has paid their license and who has not?
 Really?  I mean really?
 There were more cops behind me as I took this shot.  Around 10 in all this time.  At least it was cut in half from the year before.  Last year was 25 or so.
 They stopped traffic to do this.  Ridiculous!
Police state anyone?  If they HAVE our papers down at the county office that says we paid our license this year WHY in the hell do they do this?  To scare the bar owners?  Our taxes pay their catblastit salary!  All it does is scare customers and us.  Period.